I’ve been meaning to read Bobby Akart’s work for years. He’s a well-known Shit Hit The Fan (SHTF) author, so when I saw he had a new series out focussed on nuclear armageddon, I decided to dive in.
Unfortunately, the book wasn’t what I was expecting.
In fact, I’m going to tear this book a new one.
PLEASE STOP NOW if you’re offended by negative reviews because this book was 85% steaming turd.
Or should I say…rotting lobster?
I’m not going to pull any punches here.
Given Mr Akart’s reputation in the SHTF space, I was expecting nuclear explosions from about a third of the way in.
You know, the inciting incident? I was waiting for the nuke.
What I got instead was the teeth-grinding biography of a family of LOBSTER TRAWLERS in Maine.
I swear, I’m going to need molar implants cos I wore down so much dentine reading this stinker.
Approximately 70% of this book is about bloody lobster trawling in Maine. I couldn’t relate to the characters, and the setting reminded me of EVERY COZY MYSTERY written by a 50-something American woman up New England way.
Sorry, my gal, we’re having LOBSTERS!
This book is a how-to manual on lobster trawling.
Need to know the habits of lobsters and what nets are best for your trawler? THIS IS THE BOOK FOR YOU!
Want to know about the electrical systems of trawlers? Yep, this book has you covered.
Need to know what weather apps that trawlers use? You’ll also learn this amazing fun fact.
And, because we can’t overlook health and safety regulations, you’ll also learn why you need duplicates of all your emergency equipment. Buy me another satphone NOW would you, dear?
Did I mention lobsters?
I think I better mention it again: LOBSTERS. This book is about catching LOBSTERS, with about 20% of nuclear war at the end.
Finally, at the 70% mark, the nuclear war started to ramp up.
The scenario was really good: Kim Jong Un launches a test missile which goes haywire and is on course to hit Kansas City.
No one believes it’s just a dud, so the US fires back. Pretty soon everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is firing nukes at everyone else in the Northern Hemisphere.
So the last 20% of the book was nuclear action and SHTF all the way. However, the book was almost a DNF for me.
Yes, Bobby Akart can write—but FUCKING LOBSTERS when I wanted explosions? C’mon man, give me the nukes!
Overall rating: ⭐️⭐️
NB: I went on to read the second book in the series, which was a 1000 times better than this one. I’ll post a review for early next week.